2023.2.14 情人節 台北101 .Valentine's Day |Taipei 101
Performance art/ video
在 2/14 情人節的 這一天,氣溫12度,藝術家來到台北市中心的101大樓前方,到處佈置著關於情人節的花朵組成的南瓜馬車、與巨大的「LOVE」裝置、與燈會前,背景還播放著Frist love的音樂,許多人來人往的情侶,以及觀光客前來。
上面寫著{Kiss Me}。
參與的民眾面對著藝術家臉前的鏡子 擦下口紅,深深的對著鏡子中的自己親上一吻。
On Valentine's Day on February 14, the temperature was 12 degrees, and the artist came to the front of the 101 building in downtown Taipei. Pumpkin carriages with flowers about Valentine's Day, huge 'LOVE' installations, and Frist love music played in the background in front of the lantern show, attracting many couples and tourists.
I took off my excess clothes and placed a mirror in front of my face with both hands, with a black card that said {Kiss Me}. At the same time, in front of his feet, there is a lipstick and tissue. The participants face the mirror in front of the artist, wipe their lipstick, and kiss themselves deeply in the mirror.