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MillaLee 李瓊蝶|The Holy Air  2023.2.10 台南 182么八二藝廊 182artspace | Tainan Performance art/ video 行為、影像|作品
【The Holy Air】
2023.2.10 台南 182么八二藝廊 182artspace | Tainan
Performance art/ video


接著我開始用白膠在地上寫上:「The Holy Air」,然後邀請抽煙著剛剛香菸的觀眾將香菸插在白膠上。

接著我開始把準備好的透明垃圾袋一個一個放在地上一圈,並且圍繞著中間 ,插著香煙的「The Holy Air」,然後邀請現場的觀眾來到透明的塑膠帶前,當觀眾站好後,將塑膠帶打開套在頭上,再將手彼此牽起來,圍成一個圓圈,一邊開始慢慢的旋轉,呼吸,慢慢的越轉越快,藝術家開始帶著大家唱起 Holy Air 的歌聲,隨著歌聲越來越大,跳的也越來越大、越來越快,呼吸也越來越大口,漸漸的在之中有一些人將中間的白膠跟香煙柱踩到,然後內圈與外圈的邊界也越來越模糊,最後結束在一片歡呼中停下來結束。

The artist prepares the cigarette to distribute to the smokers, who take it apart and light it and start smoking. Then I started writing on the ground in white glue: 'The Holy Air,' and invited the audience who smoked just cigarettes to stick their cigarettes into the white glue.

Then I began to put the prepared transparent garbage bags one by one on the ground, and around the middle, 'The Holy Air' with cigarettes, and then invited the audience to come to the transparent plastic tape, when the audience was standing, open the plastic tapeand put it on their heads, and then hold their hands with each other, form a circle, and begin to slowly rotate, breathe, and slowly turn faster and faster , the artist began to lead everyone to sing the Holy Air song, as the song became bigger and bigger, the dance became bigger and faster, and the breathing became larger and larger, and gradually some people stepped on the white glue and cigarette column in the middle, and then the boundary between the inner circle and the outer circle became more and more blurred, and finally stopped and ended in a cheer.

© 2024 by Milla Lee Conscious

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